Operational Programme Infrastructure & Environment 2014-2020



OPI&E Institutional Framework:

  • Managing Authority: www.mfipr.gov.pl
  • Implementing Authority (Second Level Intermediate Body) for road projects - Centrum Unijnych Projektów Transportowych (Centre for EU Transport Projects): www.cupt.gov.pl
  • OPI&E Internet site: www.pois.gov.pl

Subject to the list of individual OPI&E projects for the years 2014 - 2020, the projects are divided as follows:

Priority Axis III:  Development of TEN-T road transport and multimodal transport

  • Measure 3.1  Development of TEN-T road transport and airline network.

Priority Axis IV:  The road infrastructure of cities

  • Measure 4.1 Increase in transport availability of the urban centres on TEN-T road network and relief for the cities from the extensive road traffic
  • Measure 4.2 Increase in transport availability of the urban centres outisde the TEN-T road network and relief for the cities from the extensive road traffic 

The General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA) is a beneficiary of 92 projects of the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment; 49 projects - Measure 3.1, 16 projects - Measure 4.1 and 27 projects - Measure 4.2.


The updated list is available at (www.pois.gov.pl):



Information on OPIE at GDDKiA (state as on: 31.05.2021)

Applications for subsidy:  75 - full list of applications

Agreements for subsidy:  71 - full list of agreements

Applications for payment:  871, for the amount of: PLN 40,81 billion worth of eligible expenditure

Certification:     831 application for the amount of PLN 38,77 billion

Refunds:   32,87 bn zlotych